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Will Scottish Council Tax Change Following the Freeze?

Many homeowners and prospective homeowners will be happy to hear about the different incentives the Scottish Government has announced this year. The incentives form the government’s economic recovery plan to settle back into normality following the COVID-19 pandemic. For the duration of 2021, council tax prices are set to be frozen at the same levels as last year.

How will this affect me?

Council tax is a form of tax collected by your local council, so the freeze will affect you depending on if your local council as agreed to the freeze or not. All Scottish councils have now agreed to the tax, despite Glasgow City Council taking some time to do so. The tax collected in the 2021 tax year will fund local services and play a major role in helping Scotland find its path out of the pandemic. The Scottish Government has offered councils different incentives to freeze their council tax levels. This will be very useful for citizens across the country, as the financial impact of COVID-19 has been immense.

Scottish Finance Secretary Kate Forbes noted that “with people facing unprecedented challenges and extra pressures, now is a time to work together to provide stability and certainty.”

How much will I pay?

The price of your council tax will vary depending on where you live – it usually varies per region. The amount you pay will relate to your band, which is inherent in where you live. There are eight council tax bands which vary from a low council tax payment (band A) to the highest (band H). For example, if you were to purchase a property in West Dunbartonshire – which falls under band D – then you would pay £1,293.54 per month. You can access your council tax bracket on your local council website.

It is important to double-check that you are paying the right amount of council tax per year, as it is often changed annually. Money experts recommend that you should check how much council tax your neighbours are paying each month and compare this to your own monthly payments. If there is a difference, then you’ll be paying too much. You can access this transparent information from the Scottish Assessors Association. This can be difficult, but you can challenge the SAA with the help of an independent lawyer like us, at MM Legal. However, this can be difficult and only achieved in very limited cases.

Where do I go from here?

Our team will provide you with expert knowledge and advice surrounding property purchases and legal matters, including updated, relevant information surrounding the new freeze. Many people across Scotland face council tax issues and worries; if this is you, we recommend ridding yourself of these worries as soon as possible.

By contacting MM Legal, you are opening up a new window of opportunity to get the best advice from our trained team. We can assist you if you are purchasing a new home (in which your council tax band will change) and provide a useful service when dealing with other council tax issues. We are here to support our clients, so do not hesitate to get in touch today.